3 Pieces of Equipment Every Quality Tree Service Uses Regularly

The things tree care services can do are pretty amazing. With the right expertise and the right tools, seemingly impossible problems can be solved in no time flat! If you’ve ever wondered how they do it, here’s a brief list of some of the most common and necessary pieces of equipment tree services use every day.


No tree service list would be complete without the inclusion of one of our most valuable assets — the chainsaw. Learning how to use and handle a chainsaw with care and precision is something of an art form. One wrong move and you could be met with potential disaster. If ever there was a reason to leave your tree trimming to the professionals, it’s right here.

Wood Chipper

This is what is used to turn big branches and stumps into sawdust. Wood chippers can range in size from massive mobile units that you can drive to small more portable ones that can be towed or even stashed on a flatbed truck. The size and specifications of your job, along with what you have available to you, will determine your choice on this matter.

Harness/Lift System

If chainsaw safety is first on the list of safety concerns, heights have to be a close second. In order to successfully trim or take down a tree you oftentimes have to get to the top somehow. Again, depending on factors like the height and location you can use either a harness and physically climb up it or use some kind of lift or cherry-picker to get there.The Department of Agriculture suggests pruning or trimming trees once per year during the dormant season, so unless you like the idea of climbing up there yourself, it’s best to give us a call.

Quality tree service is an important part of any home or business. It’s estimated that property values of landscaped homes are 5 to 15% higher than those of non-landscaped homes and they’re are quicker to resell than homes without trees. Keep in mind not to over-do it though. Trees around your home can help reduce noise pollution and even reduce residential heating costs by 10 to 15%.

While there are actually many functions we’re routinely called upon for, one of the biggest jobs of any tree service company is, of course, tree trimming and general tree removal. In order to accomplish these tasks effectively and efficiently, these are the basic tools we use.

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